Monday, 6 January 2014


Last year one of my dearest friends and favourite bloggers took the idea of taking a picture of your children once a week, every week for the whole year... and made it a family thing.
 I loved this concept and have totally stolen copied her idea! 

So here is 


ignore the weird expressions, sideway glances and slight fuzziness - this is about
accomplishment NOT perfection!!

I really don't want this to be a stressful, hideous experience given we have to take 52 of them ~ so they will no doubt be random, messy at times and totally candid.

I can do messy - hopefully!



  1. candid, messy, fuzzy, whatever works. Mine will look like that too I reckon! But it's great! I love the "natural".

    1. haha.. thanks Mandy! I'm a bit of a perfectionist at heart so this 'relaxed' approach could get interesting! :)

  2. Great thing is it makes you more aware of taking more photos, and yes some weeks I don't have shots of all my kids. actually I need to do more family portraits, great way for you to start, not always easy to get a family shot when you have a large family
