Tuesday, 11 March 2014

a legacy of love

This weekend we farewelled darling Sara-Jo. She was such a beautiful person both outside and in - the girl with the biggest heart.
I have spent the week in tears, devastated at the loss of this cherished wife, mama and friend who left us in such a sudden and heartbreaking way.
I have also spent the week in deep surrender. Oh how we know in our heads that life is a fleeting thing, we know in our heads that any moment could be our last. 
But do we live it?
Do we breath that thought?
Does it echo in our minds when we snap at our babies, or argue that point over and over with our spouse or when we speak harshly to a friend or colleague?
This week I surrendered my desire for a beautifully presented house and nicely ordered life and replaced it with a desire to love.
To treasure my husband, my children and the people God brings into my life and to make them my priority. 
To give of myself more, even when it hurts.

Ultimately... my desire above anything is to honour God with my life, with all those moments that make up my day. To live every minute as my last so that my life will be a testimony of His goodness, grace and mercy.

Because, really, my house is not going to stand up at my funeral and tell everyone what an amazing job I did at keeping it tidy. I pray though that God will use those extra minutes instead for His glory and for His purposes and not my own. 
I'm not talking about living in squalor here... I'm just saying its time to reprioritise and focus on the eternal  more than the momentary.

Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

I am so determined not to forget this, I pray Sara Jo's legacy will be evident in the lives of all her knew her, that we all may be known as one who loved and gave without reserve.


  1. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful friend xxx

  2. loved that bit about your house standing up at your funeral! I think you will find it easier to be less materialistic at your next house. I know I have. I realise that it's not going to look like the magazines with it's aluminium joinery and it's weird crazy angles so I just see it as a house to live in, a nice low maintenance house and spend my thoughts elsewhere. It is a refreshing change seeing a house as a place of shelter rather than an alter that demands my worship. Love this post though Kate. Love your heart and the things God is teaching you through each heartache that you experience. xx

  3. Kate, thanks for the reminder about material things in our lives and how we can alter our priorities. These reminders came at a good time for me. Also, sincere condolences regarding your cherished friend :o( Love, Paula
