It's been 'one of those months'
I haven't kept this space up to date really so instead of a weekly stills... this is more of a month long roundup.
1. All happy in our big baby bed. Mama finally let go of the bassinet
2. Waiting for daddy
3. Making: Harem pants (kinda)
4. Treats to keep kids happy and quiet while Mama listens at our church
5. A delicious present from my man
6. A beautiful place name setting at the 50th of a precious friend on saturday
night ~ a gift from this talented pair
7. Snuggled up to watch Saturday sports wearing divine alpaca mittens made by
his wonderful Auntie Alice
Belatedly joining in with The Beetleshack for the weekly stills collection
again - please excuse the photo quality... I have been using my crappy phone camera in the absence of my own camera
I love your writing! - Just saying :)